The beauty of this is--EVERYONE HAS THE ABILITY TO TAKE BACK CONTROL OF THEIR OWN HEALTH. Good health can be had by ANYONE--it's not just for the "privileged" or wealthy people--it is AVAILABLE to EVERYONE!
How do we get our health back? How do we PREVENT disease from starting, how do we STOP disease we may already have, and how do we REVERSE the disease? The answer is really very simple--Lifestyle changes!
The MOST important lifestyle change we can make is the food we eat. By pushing off our plates the foods that are causing our "diseases", replace those foods with the foods our body needs to thrive on, we can absolutely PREVENT, STOP and REVERSE disease--it really is that simple.
What foods are making us sick? Well, if we look at the healthiest, longest-lived populations in the WORLD, studies show the Blue Zones, (five different "pockets" of people--Ikaria, Greece; Okinawa, Japan; Ogliastra region, Sardinia; Loma Linda, California; and Nicoya Peninsula, Costa Rica--People in these regions live into their 100's, and are still productive people!), have the SECRET to a healthy life--IT'S THE FOOD! Even though these "pockets" of people are spread around the world, the common thread amongst them--FOOD. They basically eat a PLANT BASED diet--potatoes, rice, beans, soy, and whatever vegetables their area of the world grows. It's not complicated, it's not expensive, it's not rocket science--they eat what they have available to them which just happens to be the HEALTHIEST food for our body! Some of the Blue Zones do have some animals available to them that they eat, BUT, if and when they do eat meat, it's for special occasions only AND it is a very tiny amount. They thrive on starches and vegetables--the healthiest foods for our bodies as studies repeatedly prove to us. Of course, these people do not have access to all the processed foods we have in this country, (with the exception of the Loma Linda population), so that's not an issue.
So, to summarize all of this, when we eat the foods our bodies require for optimal health--Vegetables, Fruits, Whole grains and Legumes--we will have endless energy, we will FEEL great, and we will not have to worry about all the chronic diseases that plague so many Americans--heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, diabetes, obesity, arthritis problems, GI problems, migraines, acne, and the list goes on......
As studies continually show, these chronic diseases can absolutely be REVERSED when you have a healthy lifestyle--#1 it's the food, #2 do not smoke, #3 limit alcohol, and #4 move everyday.
Every person has the ability to have the HEALTH they desire! It does not have to be labor intensive, complicated or expensive at all. I have had the pleasure of working with so many people to eliminate medications, including insulin in type 2 diabetes, blood pressure and cholesterol medications, pain medications, etc., all with FOOD!
If you need help achieving optimal health with the POWER OF NUTRITION, I can absolutely help you achieve your goals. When you eat a Whole Food Plant Based diet, not only will your health soar, but the one side effect from this is--WEIGHT LOSS!
Interested? Together we can tailor a plan that works for you one bite at a time........Click on the link attached to the bottom of this blog for more information.

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