If only I could announce information such as this on the daily news.....with this type of knowledge, so many people would have the ability to take back control of their HEALTH with FOOD! That's the beauty of this scientifically backed information--EACH AND EVERYONE OF US HAS THE ABILITY TO TAKE CONTROL OF OUR HEALTH.
It doesn't matter where you live, how much money you have or if you have health insurance--the science PROVES to us that the food we put in our mouth will either strengthen our cells and create optimal health, OR, damage our cells which leads to disease. It really is that SIMPLE!
A whole food plant based diet IS NOT EXPENSIVE!!!!!! The MOST expensive "item" in the grocery store is MEAT. When you eat a whole food plant based diet, meat is pushed off the plate and replaced with potatoes, rice, beans, squash, vegetables, and fruits. Eat the vegetables and fruits that are in season--they are the cheapest! Frozen vegetables are a dollar and change for a whole bag--potatoes and rice are dirt cheap as well as beans.
Eating foods from these 4 Food Groups--Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains and Legumes, (beans and lentils), and learning how to make delicious meals with these foods will put you on the Road to Optimal Health!
Again, science has repeatedly proven a Whole Food Plant Based Diet is the ONLY diet that has been scientifically proven to PREVENT, STOP and REVERSE the chronic diseases that plague the American population.
Thousands of people have taken back control of their health with a Whole Food Plant Based diet. Medicare as well as other insurance companies are now PAYING for their members to go through Whole Food Plant Based programs with certified physicians and nutritionists.
Why? Because HEALTHY people require NO pills or expensive medical procedures......Remember, your GENES LOAD THE GUN, BUT LIFESTYLE PULLS THE TRIGGER--your genes DO NOT have to be your DESTINY......I can show you living PROOF!
Interested in learning more? Drop me a line--I can show you how to Prevent, Stop and many times Reverse disease with the food on the end of your fork.