However, I am here to tell you that your lifestyle, (diet, exercise, stress reduction) can PREVENT, STOP THE PROGRESSION OF, and many times REVERSE chronic disease. It all begins with your FORK.
Dr. Dean Ornish, cardiologist, who practices medicine in California, (President Clinton's cardiologist), has what's called a Lifestyle Program that patients go through to REVERSE their heart disease. Because his program has scientifically PROVEN to REVERSE disease, Medicare as well as other insurances are paying for patients to go through his program. Why wouldn't these insurance companies pay--by teaching patients how to change their diet, get some exercise in their day and reduce stress, the insurance companies will save a boatload of money as these patients will not require pills or procedures. Dr. Ornish has changed thousands of patients' lives primarily by changing the food on their plate!!
It sounds so simple. Dr. Ornish has stated in his book, Undo It, that Lifestyle medicine is better than angioplasty and stents in treating most patients with stable coronary heart disease. Although stents and angioplasties have been the mainstay of treating coronary heart disease for almost 40 years, many people are shocked to learn that these are largely ineffective in treating patients with stable heart disease. Eight randomized controlled trials concluded that stents don't prevent heart attacks, don't reduce the need for bypass surgery, and don't prolong life in patients with stable coronary heart disease. In a recent editorial published in the Lancet, cardiologists wrote that the cardiology guidelines need to be updated and revised based on this groundbreaking information.
Heart disease remains the #1 Killer in America today. This disease doesn't even have to exist if only people realized that by changing the food on their plates, they can PREVENT, STOP THE PROGRESSION OF AND REVERSE this horrible disease. Our body is more intelligent than any pill or procedure we have.
As Dr. Ornish and several other physicians have repeatedly proven, a Whole Food Plant Based diet has the POWER to give our body what it needs to give us OPTIMAL HEALTH!
When we give our body what it needs, our body will heal itself.