Let me give you a few facts about dairy:
- Primary purpose of milk is to cause the growth of a 60 lb calf to a 600 lb cow in 8 months
- 50% of calories come from fat (hence the rapid growth of the calf)
- Cow's milk stimulates the hormone IGF-1 which results in our little girls reaching adolensce at the age of 9-10 years old vs 13-15 years old as nature designed
- IGF-1 is one of the MOST POWERFUL promoters of cancer growth ever discovered for cancers of the breast, prostate, lung and colon
- IGF-1 promotes accelerated aging
- Dairy foods account for 60-70% of estrogen levels in a person's body--excess estrogen=breast, uterus and prostate cancer
- Bone strength--the more dairy a country consumes, the HIGHER the osteoporosis rates are: the acid and protien from dairy causes our body to rob our bones of calcium to neutralize all this acid and protein--hence, calcium loss
- Countries with the highest intake of dairy have the highest osteoporosis rates
- Countries with the lowest/zero intake of dairy have the lowest/zero osteoporosis rates
- 3/4 of the WORLD's population are lactose intolerant--WE WERE NOT MEANT TO CONSUME DAIRY PRODUCTS
To make matters even worse, back in 1970 one cow produced 9700 pounds of milk; as of 2012, one cow produced 19.000 pounds of milk---HOW?? All those hormones that get injected into the cow to produce more and more. And you guessed it--you get to drink everything that gets pumped into that cow--all those hormones and antibiotics!! Because we inject so many harmful chemicals into our cows, Europe has banned "American milk" into their countries.
Let's talk CHEESE--who doesn't love it? Here are a few statistics on cheese:
- It takes 10 lbs of milk to make 1 lb of cheese
- Cheese has opiate-like compounds called casomorphines that hit our brain receptors just like drugs do that keep us coming back for more
- The government accepts more than $140 million per year from the Cheese Industry which goes to Dairy Management, Inc, (DMI) whose primary purpose is to boost milk sales.
- DMI spends millions of taxpayers dollars working with fast-food chains to develop cheesy, high-fat menu items and promote them to the American public. Example: Wendy's cheddar-lover bacon cheeseburger and Pizza Hut's ultimate cheese pizza--which by the way has an entire pound of cheese in a single serving!! (Obesity anyone?)
- Statistics from 2016--US produces 11.8 BILLION pounds of cheese every year.
Everyone seems to wonder why we have such an obesity epidemic in the country as well as so many sick people....
One huge step in the right direction is to educate yourself on the foods you are putting in your body. We cannot rely on the government to keep us healthy. Unfortunately, no one can make money from dead people or from healthy people--but SICK people can make all kinds of industries wealthy--pharmaceutical companies, doctors, institutions that perform tests, procedures, etc. Believe me, our health is not the concern of "the powers that be" . Their concern is with making money, and lots of it.
We have to educate ourselves and take back control of our health. The silver-lining in all of this is--WE CAN GET OUR HEALTH BACK. Most chronic diseases are absolutely REVERSIBLE.
The first place to start is on the end of our forks..........