Of course, the #1 New Year's Resolution is Weight Loss, but so many people just don't know where to start because "diet" and "nutrition" is the MOST confusing topic out there. Right now the "Keto Diet" is hot--which by the way, is just another name for Atkins, Paleo, South Beach, etc.--but, this type of dieting is the MOST DANGEROUS according to the scientific evidence. All those animal products wreak havoc with our arteries, and that's just the tip of the iceberg.
What I would like to do is begin a 30 Day Challenge, starting February 1st, for people that would like to take back control of their health and lose weight all without counting calories, weighing or measuring food, portion control, and all the other craziness that goes along with "starting a diet". I will show you how to Lose Weight with a Full Plate!! Exercise is a bonus, BUT it is not a requirement. Wait--lose weight without exercising???? It's ALL ABOUT THE FOOD. Daily movement is extremely healthy for our heart, joints and muscles--exercise will keep us flexible, keep our muscles strong, etc., BUT, you cannot 'out exercise' your mouth. Period.
The guidelines for this 30 Day Challenge are relatively simple--this is what your plate needs to look like:
- Animal products (meat, processed meats, egg yolks)
- Dairy--cow's milk, cheese, butter, yogurt, ice cream, sour cream (any food that's made from cow's milk)
- Processed foods--foods that come in a box, carton, package, bottle--that have an ingredient list a paragraph long--this is not food, it is food-like substance that was made in a lab--when's the last time you saw a Twinkie growing in the ground or off a tree?
- Oil--any kind of oil--olive oil, coconut oil, vegetable oil, canola oil, etc. Oil is the MOST processed, CALORIE DENSE food there is. There is no nutritional value to oil but gives you 120 calories a tablespoon!! All those calories for zero nutritional value. The extra virgin olive oil companies have brilliant marketers--so many people fall for the statement that "olive oil is heart healthy". As science proves, there is nothing farther from the truth!!
- Sugary foods and beverages--store bought cookies, cakes, pies, danish, sodas, juices, energy drinks, etc. There is so much sugar in these types of drinks sabotaging weight loss, creating insulin resistance, not to mention feeding cancer cells--there should be zero tolerance for these types of food.
- Vegetables--there are so many foods to choose from in this category: greens (the healthiest food on the planet), non-starchy vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, peppers, cucumbers, onions, garlic, celery, eggplant, mushrooms, Brussel sprouts, cabbage, summer squashes etc.), starchy vegetables (winter squash, potatoes, parsnips, corn). There are so many to choose from you can try something new weekly!
- Fruits--again, so many to choose from. Fresh or frozen, it doesn't matter! During the winter months, it's usually cheaper to buy frozen as fruits during this time of the year need to be shipped across the country. Just like the vegetable category, there are so many fruits to choose from: apples, bananas, berries, grapes, grapefruit, pears, plums, peaches, mangoes, etc.
- Whole Grains--this category includes oatmeal, quinoa, barley, buckwheat, millet, rice, wheat, etc. So many people have never tried foods in this category. Again, there is an abundance of food to eat while following this lifestyle.
- Legumes--This includes beans (chickpeas, kidney beans, black beans, white beans, red beans, etc.), lentils and peas. The foods you can create using legumes are endless--besides the "common foods" such as chili and bean soup, you can make "meatballs" , "meat sauce", hummus, salad dressings, (it's what makes the dressing creamy), desserts--yes, desserts!!--that are delicious.
I have worked with many people transitioning over to this way of eating--diabetics (100% of the diabetics I worked with either decreased their insulin amounts dramatically OR eliminated insulin all together--yes, eating potatoes, rice and fruits which are suppose to be taboo for diabetics), people with hypertension, heart disease, high cholesterol, arthritis, acid reflux, etc., as well as people whose main goal was WEIGHT LOSS, and for those that followed this lifestyle achieved the GOALS they set out to achieve!!
This is not rocket science, but it is a completely different way of eating than what most of us grew up with. This way of eating will absolutely give you the results you are looking for, BUT, it does take EFFORT and PLANNING on your part. You will need to prepare the food you are going to eat yourself--restaurant foods are LOADED with salt, oil and sugars--that's why they "taste so good".
However, once you eat this way, your palate will change--I promise you. Once you become accustomed to how real food tastes, and you FEEL and SEE the results of this, you will NEVER go back to your old ways.
So, if you are tired of yo-yo dieting, tired of feeling like C.R.A.P. (calorie rich and processed foods), and want to be the healthiest version of yourself, jump in and join this 30 Day Challenge.
I know most "diets" start on January 1st, but I am giving you the rest of this month to get prepared for this challenge. Each day for the rest of this month I will help you get prepared so that on February 1st we will be off and running!
It's only 30 days--you have nothing to lose but the WEIGHT......
Questions or concerns, just drop me a line--my email is: [email protected] would love to help you make this the best 30 days ever!