WEIGHT LOSS DRUGS ARE NOT THE ANSWERThe media is continually telling us about the latest and greatest weight loss drug on the market. We are told these drugs are absolutely magically..all you have to do is take them and the weight will just “fall off”….no dieting or exercising needed. Who wouldn’t want to believe this?? Drug companies and researchers attempt to develop and market medications to stop the obesity
epidemic. But, this approach does not work, ever. Your body will always pay the price for taking these unnecessary medications, which usually have toxic effects. The “side effects” are not the only toxic effect of medications. Doctors are taught in there pharmacology courses in medical school that all medications are toxic in some degree, whether side effects are experienced or not. We must make SIGNIFICANT changes in the foods we choose to eat, taking drugs prescribed by physicians will not improve our health or extend our lives. If we want true health protection, we need to remove the causes. We need to stop abusing ourselves with disease-causing foods. Vegetables are the powerhouse foods we are need to eat more of. However, fruits are also an essential part of our diets. Many studies have shown that fruits offer strong protection against certain cancers, especially oral and esophageal, lung, prostate pancreatic and colorectal cancers according to Joel Fuhrman, MD. Dr. Fuhrman goes on to say that researchers have discovered substances in fruit that have unique effects of preventing aging and deterioration of the brain. Some fruits, especially blueberries are rich in anthocyanins and other compounds having anti-aging effects. Unlike fruits found in nature, which are full of nutrients, processed carbohydrates, like bread, pasta, and cakes are deficient in fiber, phytonutrients, vitamins and minerals, all of which have been lost in processing. These starchy (white-flour) foods are no longer real foods. The fiber and majority of minerals have been removed, so foods are then absorbed too quickly, making glucose surge in the bloodstream. The pancreas is then forced to pump out insulin quickly to keep up with all the glucose. Excess body fat causes us to require more insulin from the pancreas, and over time due to the excessive demand on the pancreas to keep up with these refined carbohydrates, white flour, sweets and fruit juices, we end up with diabetes. When the nutrient-rich outer covering is removed from whole wheat to make it into white flour, the most nutritious part of the food is lost. That outer covering contains phytoestrogens, trace minerals, and all kinds of vitamins and minerals. We have just removed the most important part of the food. Medical investigations clearly show the dangers of consuming large quantities of processed foods. Because these refined grains lack the fiber and nutrient density to satisfy our appetite, they cause obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and significantly increase our cancer risk. If you want to lose weight, the most important foods to avoid are processed foods such as: condiments, candy, snacks, and baked goods…fat-free has nothing to do with it. Almost all weight-loss authorities agree on this-=-you must cut out the refined carbohydrates, including bagels, pasta, and bread. As far as the human body is concerned, low-fiber carbohydrates such as pasta are almost as damaging as white sugar. Pasta is not a health food!! Now, I love pasta…it is my favorite food. However, now that I have this information, I eat whole grain pasta in small quantities with lots of green vegetables, onions, mushrooms and tomatoes. Now what about bagels? According to Dr. Fuhrman, the “whole wheat” bagel you just bought is primarily made with white flour. Ninety-nine percent of pastas, breads, cookies, pretzels, and other grain products are made from white flour with a little bit of whole wheat or caramel color added, and then they call the finished product whole wheat. However, it is not the real thing. Read the label, the first ingredient must say 100% whole wheat. |