Powerful Protein - From the Previous PageProtein is the super-hero of macronutrients, (calories providing nutrients your body requires in large amounts: carbs, protein and fats). Protein plays a crucial role in structural and functional mechanisms. It is in every cell in your body–muscles, organs, hair, nails, teeth, ligaments, cartilage and tendons. Protein does everything from compose muscle tissue to fight illnesses.
However, because protein is vital to our health and development, it doesn’t mean more is better. We are obsessed with consuming enough protein. Research shows we require only 10% of our daily total calories to come from protein. People who follow a whole-foods plant-based diet always get the question, “Where do you get your protein?” Joel Fuhrman, MD tells people, “From the same place gorillas, elephants, water buffalo and horses do…a plant-based diet.” The BIGGEST MYTH people believe is protein only comes from animal products….NOT TRUE!! FACT: The very first food specifically created for infants during the stage in their life when humans grow the most and at the fastest rate is low in protein–human breast milk–only 5% of it’s calories is from protein. Research shows once protein intake increases by more than 10% of total calories, specifically from animal sources, the disease process begins! If you are eating enough calories from whole-foods, having a diet low in protein is impossible…for instance, a banana has 5% of it’s total calories in protein, sweet potatoes 8%, and brown rice 9%….Who would have thought?? Foods that are high in protein are beans, legumes, nuts and seeds. Lentils are 36% protein and leafy greens give you half their calories in protein. The only way not to become deficient in protein is to not eat enough calories, or, to eat primarily refined processed foods. Following a whole-foods plant-based diet automatically gives you the perfect amount of protein, carbs and fats—No calculating, weighing, measuring or counting—Just eat a variety of whole-foods. Sources of protein come from abundance in the plant kingdom packaged with: phytochemicals, antioxidants, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Sources of protein from animal products such as eggs, dairy, meat, come packaged with: saturated fat, cholesterol, and none of the above health-promoting nutrients. Excessive amounts of protein is dangerous because your kidneys metabolize protein. Therefore, your kidneys work hard to break down waste from protein. That’s why, in my opinion, diets high in protein are dangerous to your health. Examples of excellent plant protein sources are: bananas, brown rice, barley, quinoa, whole wheat bread, chickpeas, lentils, soy milk, raw broccoli, tofu, and spinach just to name a few. So, now you know where protein comes from in a plant-based diet. There are lots of options to choose from without the dangerous saturated fat and cholesterol that come packaged with animal protein. Remember, with plant-based protein, you get the powerful antioxidants, phytochemicals, fiber, vitamins and minerals. When you eat a plant-based diet, your body will receive optimal nutrition giving you supreme health! Read 4. The Power of a Whole Food-Plant Based Diet |