The answer is really very simple. We are not eating the "right" foods--the foods that our body needs to keep us healthy, keep our immune system running strong, and give us the energy we are all looking for. When we get the food right, everything else falls into place--health, energy, and weight loss.
If you look at the picture above, it shows us what 500 calories look like in our stomach. The first picture is oil--that's 500 calories worth of oil--that certainly will not keep us full, it clogs our arteries, and there is just about no nutritional value in that 500 calories.
The next picture is cheese--oh boy--who doesn't LOVE cheese?? 500 calories of cheese barely fills the bottom of our stomach--it comes packaged with a boat load of salt, saturated artery-clogging fat, cholesterol and zero fiber. So many calories and very little nutritional value for our body. And did I mention the amount of cholesterol in cheese??
Next picture is meat--at least it fills us slightly more than the cheese, BUT, what are we getting from the meat? Well, we are getting more cholesterol, saturated fat, the link to colon cancer and meat is well-known, and, what most people do not know is when you cook meat, something called hetero-cyclic amines form on the surface of the meat which are highly carcinogenic. Another cancer causing substance--and we wonder why so many people in today's world have been diagnosed with cancer.
The next picture is potatoes, beans and rice--look how full our stomach is getting for those 500 calories. So many people are afraid of starches--what the majority of people don't know is this type of starch is so good for us and it keeps us satiated. These foods are filled with fiber, vitamins and minerals--as a matter of fact, one of the most nutritious meals we can have is a meal of rice and beans--easy, fast, filling, spice it up and it is delicious! Not to mention, it is not EXPENSIVE. So many people will say they can't afford to eat healthy---What?? Potatoes, rice and beans are CHEAP!
The last picture is fruits and vegetables--our stomach is filled to the brim for those 500 calories. Not to mention, the vitamins, minerals, anti-oxidants and FIBER come packaged with all those fruits and vegetables. Everything our body NEEDS to keep us healthy and strong comes from plants.
So, when we absolutely FILL OUR PLATE with a variety of vegetables, starches, fruits, and beans, we are not only filling our stomach up with delicious foods, but we do NOT have to count calories, use portion control, weigh and measure food, etc. We can lose weight with a full plate and never have to be hungry again!
If this way of eating is something you think you would like to try, I will be posting recipes for a 30 Day Challenge of eating a Whole Food Plant Based diet starting February 1st.
I am also offering a Nutritional Seminar on two consecutive Saturdays, February 1st and 8th, 10-11:30 in my Watervliet office. The cost is $50--you will receive so much information on how to transition to this way of eating, tips, tricks and recipes. If you want to Lose Weight With a Full Plate, come and join us--drop me a line so I can reserve your seat at my table!